Shenanigans that really happen here
Turkeys are fried. Beer is brewed. Fat squirrels feast.
I never know how to go back and systematically report on all the goings-ons that have happened in sequential order. I'm not journaling daily these days and for sure not taking pictures as much as I'd like. It seems easiest to lump a bunch of events into one big hairball and throw it out there. Here's the scope as compacted as I can make it:
Brian and Dustan are brewing for the first time this year, 2 different ales and thoroughly enjoying the process of beer chores. They've joined a local home brew club (see link for sweet article) and are turning our basement into quite the workshop. We'll test the beer right around Christmas- cheers!
Brother James and g-friend Britt came out to join us for thanksgiving, along with the moores, balkcom fam #1 and balkcom fam #2 (Dustans' parents were in for a visit) AND we deep fried our bird. Yep. Right there in our incredibly flammible wood built garage.
We're in full gear holiday style. The boys - Jack and Emerson have their first christmas performance- a silent nativity scene- where Jack plays Joseph and Emerson landed a spot as a wise-man. This will be interesting. And i'll have every second on video.
My days still consist of face-painting sessions that turn regular boys into star-war heros, dish-washing, meal planning, LEGO playstation video game domination, baby-feeding, diaper changing, refereeing madness. i love it. I haven't taken up any new hobbies, although I have a P90X dream and guitar lesson wish list. Everything is beautiful in it's time.