Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trying our hand at...

So, it's the limbo of spring, when you never know whether to wear longsleeve thermals or flippy-flops, ... so i usually just wear both.

Aside from building our "L" shaped raised bed for our vegetable, herb, and flower garden this year we've been blustering about in our basement, making "stations" for our potting, germination, and irrigation of all the seeds we've taken under wing to nurture and hopefully see grow. Still too cold outside to release them into the wild, but I *have* concocted a "potion" of sorts in preparation for keeping our squirrel friends off our beloved vegggggg.

:1 gal H2O to 6 capfuls of Murphy's wood cleaning solution, to 2 TLBSPN Cayenne pepper. Doesn't hurt the plants and electrocutes the squirrels taste buds long enough to keep them out of the garden. Here's some before pictures (which I'm praying will be followed up with some very green and colorful "after" pictures in 10-12 weeks)